African Mango Plus - What All Those Fake African Mango Reviews Not Telling You?
Are You Getting Sucker Punched with All Those Fake African Mango Reviews? (more reviews below)

Just 2 months back, before I started using African mango plus, I came across a review where one guy was like, he lost 42 lbs in a month without any sort of diet change or exercise...Geez, could you believe this?
I am a Software developer in a very reputed multi-national IT company, where I just have to sit in front of a PC and work for most part of the time, but I do get paid very And with 2 kids and a careless husband to look after, you see I am quite a busy lady. So, there is not much time for gym and I was slowly getting concerned about my ever increasing weight around my waist. My friends too were telling me about my weight and sometimes that used to be quite embarrassing. I tried to make out some time and started hitting the gym, but that hardly remained for just a week. I realized that it is too tough and tiring to manage work, children (plus my husband) and gym all at the same time.
This was the time when I started looking for something that could save me time and effort with all sorts of exercise and dieting thing. You won't believe I went through almost every weight loss product, program, pills, diets etc etc. that I could found. But they sounded too good to be true and with all the scams going around over the Internet, it is quite difficult to make out what is true or what is fake and their sales pages are pretty tempting.
As I am a busy lady, so I really needed to be able to swallow a few pills every day, minimal exercise and lose weight. Then my husband who loves watching TV, he saw some program on TV where Dr. Oz was praising about this amazing weight loss fruit, African Mango. He even called this fruit a "breakthrough supplement" and "miracle in your medicine cabinet" that can make you lose weight without any diet change or exercise. I was very skeptical and unsure when I heard about African mango. However, I was getting quite desperate to lose weight by then so I decided to give it try after reading few good genuine African mango reviews.

It has been slightly over a month and I've already lost 19 lbs. I really feel much better seeing myself in the mirror and how lose my pants are again. It was slow at first; I was taking just 1 or 2 a day. I then started taking 3 pills a day and the fat was melting off and I haven't had any side effects.
The best was when I saw my mom for the first time since the holidays; she was so happy about my weight loss and dying to know how I did it. Now she is recommending this to all of her friends. This is a great product.
Below are a few African Mango Reviews that I have found for you. There are good reviews and bad reviews as well. So that you can make out whether this is the right kind of product for you or not.
So it seems I've found a diet pill that's as good as it claims to be. I love the way I have been feeling since I begin taking them. I've gone down 3 dress sizes. In the beginning, I was losing just a couple of pounds per week. After that, I started to take 3 pills every day and cut out processed food and I was drinking only tea, hot water with lemon and water. Just after few days I was losing up to a pound a day. These results have been a great motivation to continue taking them.
- Diana
I got this African Mango Plus product and when I used it for the very first my heart was going to jump out. It contains 200mg of caffeine and it's not listed. I do not drink coffee therefore it was a shock to my body. I used it just for a week as my system could not handle it anymore. Not recommended.
- Crystal
I along with my wife start taking these pills after she found about them on TV (Dr. Oz show). I have tried various other pills in the past that didn't worked and I wasn't really sure that they would work either. After only 3 weeks, my wife lost 24 pounds and I lost 18. We have not felt good in years.
- Gabra
I've been using this product for 3 months now and have lost 30 lbs with it (total 50 lbs, first 20 lbs with just diet and exercise alone). I needed an addition boost hence I decided to give it a try along with my diet, at the moment I am averaging around 10 lbs a month. I should mention that I've cut my daily calorie in half and I work out for at least an hour 5-7 nights a week. The product may not work in case you're not doing anything other than just taking it. I do not know if this is the case with the people who say it didn't worked for them. Also, when I started taking it first I was very sensitive to Caffeine. I'll admit that I definitely felt the caffeine during the initial couple of days but I did not have any jitters or shakes, nothing crazy. However I got used to it after few days and I do not even notice it anymore. Highly recommended. It helped me a great deal. I need to lose 40 lbs more and I am confident that with the exercise and diet and in conjunction with this product I'll get to my goal very soon. There is nothing called as "miracle pill", and I have learned it the hard way after trying numerous different products. You will to work with it. Do not expect any good results if you're just taking it alone, sitting around without doing anything. In my opinion this is an amazing product and it really works like a charm if you're ready to put in some effort.
- Cassi
Honestly, the product seemed to accumulate inside my system and I felt way too much energy after I had used it for few days. I could not take it anymore after about 5 days. I did felt less hungry but what made me worried was my fast heartbeat. I don't understand how taking something such as this is good. On the 5th day after taking it when I went to work and few people just asked me why I look "off". The energy I felt was too much, I could not relax. That was it...I really wanted this to work but it is not worth hurting my body just to lose some weight.
- Victoria
This is my review about African Mango Plus. I bought 4 month supply of the product and even after taking it for 2 months now I haven't seen any results at all. It doesn't work. Considering I begin to eat smaller portions and also cut out some food. For me it's a bug scam. If you're searching for a good weight loss pill these pills don't work.
- Catherine
No pill will make those extra pounds just melt off; you must put in some effort. What I found that when you combine them along with exercise and a proper diet I was able to burn off pounds each day and keep them off. I cut out all fast off and soda, drink water, lemon water, coffee and tea (no sugar added to anything). Just by doing this I easily lose about 1 pound every two days. Furthermore, when I begin exercising my weight really start to drop even more, about 8 lbs a week. It is still a long way down my weight loss goal and plan to keep doing what I am doing to get there.
- David
I've been taking them for almost a month now and I have lost 6 pounds. Honestly - I am already a thin woman, pretty fit, but I was trying hard to lose the extra pounds around the middle but to no avail! I already see a big difference and feel way much better about my body now. I came across reviews regarding the level of caffeine in each pill, and I was a little tensed as I drink a cup of coffee most days of the week. But after taking the pills, I do not drink coffee in the morning at work, just during the weekends (I love the taste of it), relived to say that I do not get any jitters or anything even after taking the pills AND having coffee! As I am already thin, and just need to lose around 8-10 pounds in total, I take a pill most days. Usually I'll take one pill right after I wake up and then have my breakfast 25-30 minutes later. I have not changed my diet or my exercise routine at all and I really feel SO much better! I am very to have found these pills, and I am just about to order another 3-months supply!- KatySo just think about it, if you're a busy person just like me or you are too lazy to hit the gym or you don't want to change your appetite and still want to lose weight, then you could really burn up those extra fats with African mango plus. Just follow the little directions and you can actually start seeing results within a short period of time. And I really like how much I saved getting 6 bottles at a time, has the best prices I have seen anywhere online for this.